
Ied Mubarak

Better late than never, rite? 

my uncle and my father.

Me, my little sister Lintang and my older sister Sekar.

My mom kissed my sister.

I love you mom!

At Solo. My mom accompanied her friend to look around the city.

My mom and her friend from Jakarta.

After we had a gathering family in Klaten, my family went to Solo to accompanied my father and mother's friend from Jakarta. After that we went to Jogja and visit a beach.

Her boyfriend name is "A" too-_-


Strongest Human

Sometimes, your brain just thinking that you're weak and can't move on over the past. You know what? move on is easy, it's just hard to forget those memories that you really used to in the past. Come on, you live for today and you just live in your life once.. so be happy and enjoy it :)

Ekka : Hardware t-shirt and Colorbox jeans
Inthan : Insight t-shirt and Roxy jeans


Green Time

You must have been heard about global warming,rite? Most of people are trying to use less car or just use their bicycle to go to the place near their house but for me, it's easily to decrease the pollution or maybe our money by recycle our clothes. I do that sometimes if i had some time during my "me time"

vintage tank top, vintage cardigan, red lipz skirts and unbranded boots.


I Am Indonesian!

It seems like i have no idea about how rich my country are! I just really proud of this AWesome country! Happy independent day of Indonesia y'all!



You know that moslem people are doing their fasting this month and we are celebrated the break of fasting in the evening by ate together in a fast food restaurant! And pf course we took some photos after that.